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"I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me, you can do nothing."                          John 15:5 | NASB





LEAH is a Christian organization, the members of which are like-minded families dedicated to observing the Biblical commands of Deuteronomy 6:4, Proverbs 22:6, and Ephesians 6:4. We promote home education as the Scriptural design for education whereas institution education is alternative to the home.


We believe that every family has the God-given legal and constitutional right to home-educate, regardless of their philosophy of education of religious affiliation. 


The Chapter exists primarily for its membership, member families who voluntarily assist and support each other in the endeavor of home education through a variety of activities.




LEAH is organized primarily for the purpose of providing service and support to member families, including, but not limited to, the following ways:

 - Providing and encouraging support and training for parents through such activities as the support group meetings.

 - Providing and promoting opportunities for children and families to interact with others through planned educational and recreational activities.

 - Providing information regarding the regulatory climate of home education.

 - Encouraging home education families to seek appropriate legal counsel.

 - By instituting whatever programs or services as may be deemed necessary by the membership of this organization in support of home education. 



Our Statement of Faith includes only those truths upon which all true Christians agree. It concerns the Authority of Scripture, Deity of Christ, the Person and Work of Jesus Christ (the Gospel) as revealed in Scripture. It is the faith once delivered to the saints (Jude 2, Ephesians 4:5), which distinguishes believers from non-believers. There are many precious truths taught in the Bible over which godly men have differed understanding. Therefore, this is not a statement of all that is important to believe, but of all that is essential to believe for Christian fellowship and unity. (Romans 15:7)


John15 LEAH Bylaws (Click Here)

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